Initial lecture – Nursery and Kindergarten


         Opening Prayer

         First: the spiritist teacher should, first of all, sit down and be on the same level as the children making eye contact. Please introduce yourself, mention they will need to get to know each other so they can have pleasant year together at the spiritist education classes.

         Please give each of them a badge with their name on it, at this point in time. Please explain they will wear it for the time being so they can memorize all names. You could give them a badge in the shape of a little fish for the boys to draw their names on it, and one on the shape of a flower to the girls. The spiritist teacher should write down the names of the children who are not able to read and write.

         Second: Please tell them that we are incarnated beings, but besides us we also have our spiritual friends. They are also taking part in our classes; they are disincarnated children. Please explain the meaning of being disincarnate to the children (a spirit without a physical body). There are also other disincarnate friends in our classes, such as the mentors of the centre and our protector spirits – or guardian angels.

         Third: please tell the children that they will study the Spiritist Doctrine during the year. Please mention it is a great opportunity they have to be studying and learning. Please mention they will be learning about spiritist personalities who left us with great examples of peace and love, such as Chico Xavier. He is an enlighten spirit who lived in Earth seeding love with the books he wrote through his mediumship. Please show them some pictures of Chico Xavier and the book Cartilha do Bem, which was psychographed by him and dictated by the spirit Meimei. You could also show them the book The Lord’s Prayer, for example.

         Fourth - activity: please distribute to each child a figure for them to colour it (for this activity we used some drawings from the book called Cartilha do Bem; edited by The Brazilian Spiritist Federation). There are drawing of a boy and a girl who open a book. Seeds in the shape of hearts come out of the book, as if representing Chico Xavier’s mission on Earth. Whilst the children colour this drawing, please highlight the importance of spiritist education for children to them.

         Obs.: Since the name of our spiritist centre is Friends of Chico, we decided to we would start the year by teaching every cycle about Chico Xavier first of all. We then moved on to follow the Curriculum for Spiritist Education for Children and Youth in its correct order.

         Closing Prayer.

         Class suggested being suitable for: Nursery and Kindergarten (5 to 6 years old).

         Spiritist Teacher: Adriana Cardoso.

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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