Initial lecture – The importance of spiritist education

         Opening Prayer

         First: please welcome the students and talk to them about the importance of their presence at the spiritist education classes.

         Second: please tell them the story "Spiritist Education".

Spiritist Education

         Once upon a time, there was spiritist centre called Seara do Mestre which was located at a beautiful city. There is an annual event every end of the year for the children who take part at spiritist education classes. This was going to happen this coming Sunday at the house of the brothers Robert and Julia.

          The brothers were going to be able to host the party, as they were the best students at the spiritist education classes. They never missed any classes and were actively taking part on them. Plus, they always respect their colleagues, the spiritist teachers and every other person who came regularly to the spiritist centre.

          Julia decided to invite one of her friends, whom she liked very much. He didn’t want to come to spiritist education classes, but she decided to invite Alan to this event. Julia wrote at the invitation: Invitation from the Spiritist Education Department!

          Alan got the invitation on the next day. He read what was written at the envelope and said: "- What a waist of time! I am not coming to spiritist education classes anymore." He then decided to keep playing football and throw the envelope in the bin. He would rather play then come to these classes.

          In the mean time, the children were getting ready for the party at home.

          It was going to happen on the next day. The weather was quite sunny and warm.

          What a joy! So much fun and happiness!

          The children who came to the spiritist centre classes arrived at party as agreed previously. They all had a fantastic time.

          On the next day, Robert met Alan. He then asked why he didn’t come to the party. Robert said Alan missed a great day. His friend then started to cry. Alan said he wants to leave this town, since no one likes him. He wasn’t even invited to the party.

          Robert was taken aback by Alan’s comment. He soon asked:

          - Didn’t you get our invite? Julia sent to your house!

          Alan then cried even louder. He didn’t open the invitation because he thought it was about calling him to go back to the spiritist education classes.

          He then began to understand his mistake: he actually withdrew from his friends.

          On the following year, Alan came to the spiritist education classes full of joy. He realized how important it is to learn Jesus’ teachings: charity, love to one another, among other things. He then became a very dedicated student throughout the year, always willing to collaborate with everyone.

          He was so surprised at the end of the year. The children decided to prepare a beautiful party for Alan, due to his dedication and willingness to learn at the spiritist education classes.

         Third: please make comments about this story; highlight the importance of spiritist education classes and of everything we learn from it.

         Please also praise the children for coming over today, as they are willing to learn Jesus’ teachings.

         Fourth: please mention there are rules at the spiritist centre classes, such as: timing of the classes (starting and finishing times), respect to all our colleagues, to the spiritist teachers and to others, look after the spiritist centre belongings. Please ask each of them to fill in a registration form.

         Fifth: please highlight the importance for the children to be at spiritist education classes. Please also mention you are looking forward to seeing them next week.

         Closing Prayer

         Spiritist Teachers: Carla and Potira.

         Class suggested being suitable for: Kindergarten (5 to 6 years old).

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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