Final class (for season)

         Opening Prayer

         First: Please ask everyone to sit in a circle, facing in to the center. Encourage them to talk about the year that is just finishing. Please ask them what they liked the most, what they didn’t like, if they would like something to be different/changed. Please leave them free to give their opinion. Please remember some suggestions will need to evaluate by the Department (the children might suggest things that do not rely only on the spiritist teacher, such as extending the time for the classes; it is important to explain there are rules in place that need to fulfilled). Please explain there are rules at the centre – every two years the cycle changes at the spiritist education class, just as it happens at school. This allows us to deepen our learning. It is part of our evolutionary process.

         Second: Please mention that, during the year, we got to know more about a very important friend. We will now have activity about it. Please ask the children to stand up facing a white wall, take a deep breath and pay attention to the text you are about to read.

          Click here to find the text.

         Third: please give each child a copy of the following sheet. Please ask them concentrate on the four vertical dots in the middle of the image whilst you count until 20 (the spiritist teacher should count until 20 out loud). Then ask the children to quickly divert their eyes towards the blank surface (it could be a wall or ceiling). They will be able to see the image transferred to that surface. This is the image of a friend who is always with us, helping to lead us to the path of goodness – Jesus. The further away from the wall or ceiling, the bigger will be the image seen. It could happen that one child might not be able to see it; if this is the case, please remind them this is just a joke. It doesn’t mean Jesus has that image or that we need to visualise him so he stays with us.

          Click here and print a drawing that can be distributed to the children.

         Fourth: please give each child a medal which says: Jesus, my friend. Please mention they can continue playing with it at home with their parents and friends.

          Click here to find an example of a medal.

         Fifth: (optional) a snack to be shared (chocolate cake is always a popular choice).

         Closing Prayer: Thank for this year you are just closing now; please remind the children they will be welcomed with a lot of love on the following year. Please give each child a note, if possible, with the date for start of next year’s classes with the phrase: We are waiting for you!
         Spiritist Education for Children and Youth starts on (date).

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.

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