The Three Revelations: Moses, Christ and Spiritism

         Class objectives: relate the classes that were given to the children previously (The Three Revelations: Moses, Christ and Spiritism) so the children can see the main differences between each revelation and how one complements the other.

         Opening Prayer

         First: Have a copy of the PDF Spiritism. Show each page to the group and tell the story to the children. The spiritist teacher should interact with them after the explanation to see if they understood the material presented.

         Second: show the children the panels they created week by week which are related to each of the Three Revelations: Moses, Christ and Spiritism (the panel about Moses talks about the Ten Commandments; the one about Christ talks about love and charity; and the one about Spiritism talks about the Consoler).

         Click here to find pictures referring the work done by the children, related to the Three Revelations – received from the Spiritist Teacher Carolina von Scharten from Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.

         Third: give the children the opportunity to analyze the panels with the spiritist teacher:

         1. Do you think we would have been ready for Jesus’ message at the time of Moses?

         2. What about at Jesus’ time? Do you think we would have been ready for the message from the Spirit of the Truth? Why?

         3. Why did the Consoler take so long to the revealed to the material plane? Nothing happens by chance in life. We know there is the law of Cause and Effect governing the Universe. Humanity needed to mature in order to be able to receive the message from the spirits who were working together with Allan Kardec to codify the Spiritist Doctrine.

         Fourth: ask the children to create an art work that involves one of the Three Revelations. It could be painting, drawing or collage. Time for this activity: 10 minutes. As son as the work is finished, the spiritist teacher should ask each child to explain their artwork as well as the reason this Revelation calls his/her attention.

         Obs.: Allan Kardec’s correct name is Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rivail.

         The PDF Spiritism was kindly sent to us by the spiritist illustrator Wilton Pontes -

         Fifth: test the children's knowledge related to the third revelation.

         Click here to find a PowerPoint with The First revelation.

         Click here to find a PowerPoint with The Second revelation.

         Click here to find a PowerPoint with questions about Allan Kardec.

         Click here to find a PowerPoint with answers about Allan Kardec.

         Homework: Click here to find some suggestions.

         Closing Prayer

         Class Suggested being suitable for: 2nd (9 to 10 years old) and 3rd cycles (11 to 12 years old).

         Spiritist Teacher: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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