Loving One Another IV

         It’s suggested that the spiritist teacher starts this class with a breathing, concentration and relaxation exercise. Instructions can be found here Prayer IV.

         Greetings and Opening prayer

         Lesson Objectives: to awaken the desire to learn to love all people indiscriminately.

         First: establish a dialogue with the children.

         Jesus created a wonderful world that is our small community, among the various houses of the universe. There came to live thousands of brothers with us here, to learn together with us.

         Jesus is our elder brother; though we don’t see him, he is always with us. He supports and protects us. There’s also our mom, dad, brothers, cousins, neighbours and classmates living close to us. There are also many others in various places we go to and that work for us to feel happier: the mailman, the teacher, the doctor, the cleaner, the bus driver and many others. All these people are very important to us because if they didn’t exist, life would be very difficult. So we must always be kind and loving with all these people. Let’s all thank God for these people who help us so much. Why not start by doing to these people what you would like them to do for you?

         Second: the spiritist teacher should take stuffed animals, dolls or other toys to the classroom. These toys will represent a person. Ask each child to do to the toy they choose two things they do to someone they love. Then ask each child to do something to the toy when they don’t like that person. Then ask them why they acted that way. Encourage all children to interact/participate on this conversation.

         Third: tell the story: Do you think the wolf is bad? Talk to the children about the story once it’s told.

         Fourth: pictures to be coloured. Click here to see suggestions.

         Click on SPIRITIST TEACHER – EXCHANGING EXPERIENCES, to find tips related to the class.

         Closing Prayer

         Suggested Class suitable for: Kindergarten (5 to 6 years old) and First Cycle (7 to 8 years old).

         Suggested lesson received from Sandra Ramos Medeiros, Campo Grande/MS.

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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