Love of Plants

         Opening Prayer

         First: please distribute amongst the children the following: fruits, vegetables, flowers, bread, natural medicine, juice, cereals, oat flakes, legume, different types of tea and other items that were originated from plants. Please ask them three questions:
         - What are these for?
         - Where do these come from?
         - Who created them?
         Please ask child to answer these questions in relation to the food/object they have in their hands.
         Example: Alan received from the spiritist teacher camomile tea. This type of tea if really good for our stomach, as it comes from the plant camomile (nature) and was created by God.
         Please recall that plants are God’s creation. The human being has used the intelligence which was given to him from God to transform plants into food, medication and others.
         We should look after nature, respect and protect it. We must not pollute rivers and oceans, look after the plants and avoid polluting the air.
         Please highlight the importance of the air since without it life wouldn’t exist. Please ask the children if their family has ever being billed by the consumption of air. We receive light, water and phone bills, but are not charged for the use of air. Please highlight God’s kindness as He gave us a really special gift to help us progress.

         Second (activity): please assemble with the children a big tree with flowers, fruit and leaves. Please ask each child to be responsible for painting and trim it.          They should then assemble the tree together into a paper panel which could be hanged on the wall at the spiritist centre.

         Click here to find   stem;   crown of a tree;   flower, leaf and fruit.
         Click here to see the end [result] final.

         Closing Prayer

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies

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