Love of the Truth

         Opening Prayer

         First: tell the children the story called The best decision.

         [Click here] to find an activity that could be used (received from Gisel Haddad / KSSF Kardecian Study Society of Florida - USA). There are several other options available here: Activities

         Second: please make comments about the characters from this story; you can relate it to our day-to-day attitudes.

         Topics to be discussed with them:

          1 – Charlie made a wrong choice when he blamed his pet for his own mistake. It is important to point out that he regretted it afterwards.

          2 - Charlie couldn’t keep hiding the truth from his mom and decided to be honest about what happened. Mrs. Ann hugged Charlie and remembered him that telling the truth is always the best decision. He should never blame others for things he did himself. Please highlight that others could be penalised for mistakes they made, which would bring them sadness and suffering.

          3 – What is the best decision? Be honest and tell the truth. Lies will not take you anywhere, as they will be discovered at some point. The truth makes us happy and lies make us so sad. Lies hurt other people and they hurts us. There are times when we lie to get out of trouble. There are times when a lie seems to help. That isn't true. A lie always hurts the respect we have of ourselves and it usually hurts another person. A lie brings shame on us. A lie makes us sad.

          4 – Please highlight Tom’s mother wasn’t right when she punished the cat as animals are not able to distinguish what is right from what is wrong. Please highlight we need to help and teach animals with love, as Jesus taught us.

          5 – We should always tell the truth. Please mention a few examples to the childre: if you loose an object, by mistake (a CD or a toy) don’t just blaim your brother. Please be honest and tell the truth as you don’t want to cause damage to others. Please mention if you do lie, you will only be cause damage to yourself, since you will end up loosing your friends; people will loose their trust on you.

          6 - Jesus taught us to tell the truth. This is the way we can show our love for Him. Whoever says the truth is practicing goodness, love and charity to one another.

         Third: : Please ask the children to paint the pieces and assemble the little cat from the story.


         Little cat assembled.

         Final Prayers

         Class suggested being suitable for: 1st cycle (7 to 8 years old).

         Spiritist Teachers: Carla, Cleusa and Potira.

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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