Love of Plants II
Opening Prayer
First: please tell the children the story The persistent little seed. Here below there are some suggested drawings which were created by Cleusa Lupatini, spiritist teacher at the spiritist group Seara do Mestre.
The hand and the little seed.
Peter and the little seed.
The little seed looking quite sad.
Peter cultivating the little seed.
The little seed growing.
The orchard.
Second: please make comments about the story and ask the children:
What is actually part of nature?
Who created nature?
Is nature important? Why is that?
How can we take care of the nature?
Should we all worry about nature or just the scientists and politicians?
What are trees for?
Have you ever planted a tree or a flower?
Has anyone ever been able to follow the growth of a plant?
Could we survive without nature?
Are we going to progress spiritually if we respect nature?
Third: here below there are some suggested activities.
1 - Colour the last drawing which is related to the story above.
2 - The spiritist teacher could take soil, plastic pots, beans and/or flower seeds. You could help the children to plant them and explain the stages of its development. You could also explain how to take care of the plants in order to help them grow.
3 - Ask the children to colour the sea in blue and the Land in green.
Closing Prayer
Class suggested being suitable for: Kindergarten (5 to 6 years old).
Spiritist Teachers: Carla and Cleusa.
Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.