Loving One Another III

         Opening Prayer

         First: distribute the four questions below amongst the children; please make sure each child gets at least one the questions. Give them a few minutes to answer them.

          What is the most important moment in the world?

          What is the most important place in the world?

          What is the most important task in the world?

          What is the most important human being of the world?

         Second: please tell the children the story called The most important human being of the world.

         Third: talk to them about the answers given to the questions distributed in the beginning of the class; relate them to the story just told.

         Fourth: conclude through dialoguing with the children:

          The most important moment in the world is the present; the one we are living just now. That’s the reason why it’s important to pay attention to what we are doing; valorising each moment of our existence. Each second lived never comes back. Ex.: the most important thing for the children at this time is the spiritist education class. That’s why they need to make the most of it to learn and understand the concepts taught.

          The most important place in the world is where we are in the present moment. We are always at the right place for our learning process: at school, with our friends, at the spiritist centre, with our family, etc.

          The most important task in the world is the one that is our duty to be done. It should always be done with love and dedication. Remind them “everything that needs to be done deserves to be well done”. Therefore, there are times we have the opportunity to do things we don’t really enjoy or want to do. There are many things that require to be done, with everyone’s collaboration, for the harmony of society. Ex.: I don’t like to recycle, but it needs to be done for our well-being.

          The most important human being in the world is the person next to me; my fellow creature; the one I can help with a prayer, a thought, a word, a gesture or an attitude.

         Fifth – activity: cryptogram.

         Cryptogram answer sheet.

         Closing Prayer

         Class Suggested being suitable for: 2nd cycle (9 to 10 years old).

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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