Loving One Another II
Fyi: this class can also be used for the following topics: respect to one another, we shall not judge, collaboration at home.
Initial Prayer
First: tell the story to the children Who is the bad wolf?.
[Click here] to see and download the PowerPoint which can be used to tell the story.
Here below there are some suggestions for drawings to be worked with the children. You can illustrate it with the drawings created by Cleusa Lupatini, Spiritist teacher at the Spiritist Centre Seara do Mestre.
Comet and his house of straws
Cupid and his house of sticks
Rudolph and his house of hard bricks
Zoe, the wolf
Pile of straws
Pile of sticks
The three little pigs and Zoe, the wolf, at the library.
Here are other suggestions of drawings to be worked with the children prepared by Sherazade Gomes – Spiritist Teacher – Spiritist Centre Francisco de Assis - Eunápolis/BA.
Second: talk to the children about the story.
The story shows that each little pig could build their house as they wished. Do you think Comet and Cupid built their homes on a correct way?
No, they didn’t due to laziness and unwillingness. They thought they had the rights to do what they wished, and as they wished. When they were living with their mom she was always asking them to help organise their house and clean it. They later on realised a lot of work and organisation is needed to keep a house in order.
What about Rudolph? He learned the lessons their kind mother thought them. When he built his house, he had the opportunity to put these teachings into practice. The house took longer to be built, but it was constructed with a very good foundation and was really safe. When it was ready, Rudolph went there to get it cleaned and decorated. He couldn’t wait to invite his dear mummy to visit it.
What happens when we do things without care or unwillingness?
We usually end up redoing it since things were not done well.
In regards to the wolf Zoe – was he a nice guy? Was he friendly? Was he good-looking?
Zoe was a very loyal person and a good friend. Therefore, he wasn’t good-looking. Please bear in mind beauty is not related to kindness.
Is it right to say that only good looking people are nice? Why is that?
No, it is not. One thing is not connected to the other. We can’t judge anyone by their looks.
Can we judge someone for their physical body?
No, we can’t. Let’s remember: Judge Not A Present by its Wrapping.
Can we help one another?
Yes, we can. This will make us feel happy with ourselves, even if we don’t receive recognition from the good we have done.
Third: please distribute to the children the drawing of the good wolf for them to paint it.
Final Prayer
Spiritist Teacher: Amália and Regina.
Class suggested to suitable for: maternal (3 to 4 years old) and Kindergarten (5 to 6 years old).
Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.