Love for God II

         Opening Prayer

         Obs.: the spiritist teacher will need to prepare the technique “Roads to God” before the class starts. Make sure this is kept somewhere the children can not touch or use before the activity starts. Please bring a box with questions about this topic, as well as sweets to this class.

         First: : please split the class into two groups to be able to apply this technique:

         Roads to God:

          The technique consists in organising two roads (this can be done with brown paper or newspaper) which should be placed on the floor crossing one another. Please make sure the children line up into two queues, right next to both roads..

          The spiritist teacher should say they must choose which road they want to cross. The number of children in each road should be equal..

          Please note many stones need to be drawn on the roads before this activity starts. The children will have to step on them as they walk along the roads. .

          Flowers, butterflies or trees could decorate the roads..

          Cracks should be placed under most of the stones (please don’t place it under all of them). Every time a child steps on one of them, they should get out of the road and take one of the questions placed inside the box (please keep it next to the spiritist teacher). .

          Please give a sweet to the child after he/she answers the question..

          The child who walks all the way without stepping on any crack (a small firework which explodes when thrown against a hard object) does not need to answer any question; he/she also gets a sweet..

          If the child doesn’t know the answer, he/she can ask another colleague to help. If this child gives the right answer, both children should get a sweet.

         Click here to find suggested questions for this technique.

         Second: the spiritist teacher should remind them in each existence God gives us a new opportunity for our spiritual progress. We always have different roads to choose from. It is our responsibility for making our own choices. These roads will lead us to real happiness, bringing us closer to God. The more efforts we make to become better human beings, doing as much goodness as we can, the closer we will be from God. We always need one another to develop our virtues. Examples: charity, forgiveness, resignation, patience, friendship, love, tolerance.

         Third: please distribute a small text to the children which will make them reflect on it. The text could be glued into their notebook.

Our thoughts transform into words;
our words transform into actions;
our actions become habits.
God gave us free-will
so we can choose our thoughts,
words and actions. It will depend on us to choose
the path of goodness and of love, bringing us closer
to God and to true happiness.

         Closing Prayer

         Class being suitable for: 3rd cycle (11 to 12 years old).

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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