Love and respect for the animals

         Opening prayer

         First: present short videos with a moral and ethical meaning related to animals and nature, such as the following:

         BBC Nature - Animals videos, news and facts:

         Life on Animal Planet:

         We Are All Connected - Children And Nature:

         Mother Earth with lyrics:

         Like our relationships with each other, we all have a relationship with nature. Planet earth as well as the animals really benefit from having more people respect and love them. We aim with these videos to teach the children to respect the animals and care for it and thus help the planet.

         Second: ask questions about the videos as you are showing them.

         * Is it important to respect the environment and the animals? Animals, as well as humans, were created by God. They deserve our respect and love. They are evolving just as the human beings. We need to respect the environment, because it is our home and without nature (plants, water, forests, animals) there will be no life on our planet.

         * What small attitudes could be taken to protect our planet and the animals? Recycle, appreciate nature and the animals as its God’s creations, get involved in cleaning up the neighbourhood with a trash collection project, reuse items or donate them, practice conservation of water, electricity and fuel, etc.

         * What do you think of children who throw stones at little birds, for example? Can other people influence us into doing something that will harm another living being? What are your views? Has this ever happened to you?

         * Can someone regret harming another living being afterwards? Yes, it’s possible. Someone can realise the negative attitude, such as throwing stones at little birds, which is why it’s important for us to reflect before we do something. We always need to think about the consequences of our attitudes. Everything we do, good or bad, will generate a consequence, according to the attitude practiced.

         * What message do you take from the videos? We should never kill/mistreat animals. Animals feel hunger, thirst, cold, pain and fear, just as human beings and they have also been created by God.

         Third: talk about the lesson topic.

         * What type of care should we have with animals? How should we treat them? Don’t mistreat animals; give them food, water, bath, care, etc…

         We must act with all animals just as we like, respect and care for our pets.

         We shouldn’t and can’t use animals for fun, such as bullfighting, cockfight, dog fight, etc. In some countries this action it is considered to be a crime according to the Law.

         Every animal should live in their habitat (natural environment), so we should not breed animals in captivity.

         * Give examples of some animals and their utility/aid to human beings: Horse-carriage, Chicken - eggs, meat, Cow - milk, meat, leather for clothing, shoes, Dog/Cats - companions, friends…

         Note: Studies show that those who have pets go to the doctor less than those who don’t. Pets help to relieve stress and tensions of everyday life.

         * How do we protect and preserve wildlife? By taking care of nature; not wasting water; not polluting the rivers; not burning the forests, planting trees, not raising animals in captivity, campaigning against the sale of wild animals, etc.

         * Ask them: who created the animals? They are God's creation. Animals are living beings that were created by God and deserve our love, respect and care. As they are living beings, they are very sensitive; they can feel joy and suffering.

         The animals are very important to life on Earth. They maintain the balance of creation and beautify nature. They also become our friends when they are domesticated. They are part of the harmony of the Universe and are useful to man and nature. It is important to preserve and live in harmony with the animals.

         Fourth: suggested activities.

         1 - Painting activity.

         2 - Each child will receive a blank sheet of paper with a statement written about the preservation/love and respect for animals. Ask them to draw a domestic animal and a wild animal on it. Stickers could be distributed for the children to embellish their work.

         Closing prayer

         Class suggested being suitable for:1st cycle (7 to 8 years old).

          Spiritist Teachers: Camila Schmidt, Spiritist Center Caminho da Prece.

          Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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