Friendships and affections

         Opening Prayer

         Obs.: the spiritist teacher should take a plastic/glass recipient with cotton and vinegar; plus another one with cotton and perfume.

         First: please ask each child at a time to place their left hand inside the pot, touch the cotton and wait. After all the children have done this, please ask them to smell their own hand. They will realise it smells bad (vinegar).

         Second: please ask each child at a time to place their right hand inside the other pot, touch the cotton and wait. After all the children have done this, please ask them to smell their own hand. They will realise it smells good (perfume).

         Third: please talk to the children about our relationships; question the way we act and react to people. Are we just like perfume or vinegar?

          What does it mean to be like vinegar with our friends, relatives, parents and in our loving relationships (when we date someone)?

          What does it mean to be like perfume with our friends, relatives, parents and in our loving relationships (when we date someone)?

         Fourth: please conclude this activity by saying we can all choose the way we relate to others and with ourselves. This is what we call free-will. Every loving, family and friend relationships are important. These leave marks in our perispirit, which is why they should be dealt with respect and responsibility. We should follow Jesus’ teachings: “Do to others as you would have them do to you.”

         Fifth - Bookmark activity: please hand in gift-wrap or magazine clippings in the shape of a bookmark (you can cut a piece of card to your desired size). Please hand one subject to each child and ask them to write their names on it. They can make a personalised drawing on it (you need to determine how long the children will have to spend on this activity). As soon as they finish this task, ask the children to pass their personalised marker to the person sitting on their right hand side. This child will then write a quality that the owner of the marker has and pass it on to the next person. This activity should continue until the mark is handed back to its original owner.

         Please conclude it by saying we all have virtues we must use in our relationships. There are virtues we still don’t possess, but we need to make an effort to develop them. Examples: patience, respect, fidelity, fraternity, kindness.

         Closing Prayer

         Class being suitable for: 3rd cycle (11 to 12 years old).

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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