Friendship III
Opening prayer
First: ask the children who likes to eat cake. Ask them which cake filling they prefer. The Spiritist teacher must say that today we will make a cake during this class. This will be made from a very special cake recipe that is called FRIENDSHIP CAKE. Everyone must participate so that the cake can come out pretty tasty. Ask everyone to use their imagination in order to make sure the recipe works right.
Obs.: the Spiritist teacher should take a cardboard box with the design of a stove and place it in the room, before the children’s arrival. Please place a real cake inside the box, before starting this lesson, to be served at the end of class.
Click here if you would like to get to know our cooker.
Second: distribute the ingredients between the children. These should be small pieces of coloured cardstock with the feeling / attitudes listed below or others that the Spiritist teacher finds important.
Recipe: Friendship Cake
A portion of SMILE (ask who has the SMILE)
Two parts of RESPECT (...)
One pound of fellowship
Two cups of good mood
Lots of caring
A cup of confidence
Two tablespoons of patience
A portion of humility
Lots of Forgiveness
Lots of love
Obs.: the Spiritist teacher should take a bowl to mix the ingredients and another bowl to put the "dough" as well as a spoon to stir the dough. Please ask the children, in the right sequence, which one of them is carrying the specified ingredient that’s required to add to the dough (smile, respect, caring, love, etc.). Get each child to place it into the bowl and stir.
Put a smile on your face, add two servings of respect and go towards meeting a true friendship. Mix fellowship, good humour and great affection. Add free time, respecting tastes and preferences. Please add spices of trust, respect and humility into the dough. Bake it slowly, as a good friendship grows with socializing, conversations and respect for differences. Garnish the cake with plenty of forgiveness and love.
Obs.: put the "dough" into the “stove"(please make sure there’s plenty space inside the oven to place the dish with the "cake" in a way that the children don’t realize that there’s a real cake inside the "cooker").
Third: leave the imaginary stove to bake the “cake”; leave it there until the end of class. Revisit the theme of this lesson with the suggested questions below.
1 - Who has friends?
2 - How do they treat their friends?
3 - How do they like to be treated by their friends?
4 - Who is your best friend? Who can we rely on at all times? Jesus.
5 - Why Jesus is our great and true friend? He wants to see us well; he only gives us good advises; he’s always with us, if we follow his teachings we will be happy, etc...
6 - Explain that just like to cultivate our friends we must have good attitudes, we must also watch our behaviour within our room so that the meetings are nice and we can meet many new friends.
7 - What can we do to improve our behaviour in Spiritist education classes /school? Wait for our turn to speak; listen to when our colleague speaks or the Spiritist teacher /teacher, by not missing the classes, arriving on time (punctuality), bringing their material to the classes, doing the activities with care, participating into the group works, etc.
Fourth: suggested activities.
1 - Click here to find suggestions. We included the design of a sun and the ground to distribute to the children.
2 - Click here to see other suggestionso.
3 - Click here to see other suggestionso.
Fifth: ask if they are feeling a scent; a delicious smell. "I think it's our cake, shall we have a look?” Get the real cake from the imaginary stove and say that this came from the recipe that we had just made. Celebrate.
Obs.: this class was very nice indeed and the children participated at all times.
Click here to find a picture.
Closing prayer
Class suggested being suitable for: 1st cycle (7 to 8 years old).
Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.