Friendship II

         Opening Prayer

         First: tell the children the story called The parakeet Currupaco. In order to make the story more interesting, the spiritist teacher could pictures as he/she tells the story. Another alternative would be to make some drawings, colour them, trim and attach them to a stick. The story could be told by placing these characters into a box of sand, soil or polystyrene.

         Second: stimulate a dialog around the story.

          Did the parakeet Currupaco have many friends? Why?

          How did he treat the other animals from the forest?

          Who are our friends? Our friends are the people we like; they could be our colleagues from school, our neighbours, etc.

          What do you do together with your friends?

          How do we treat your friends?

          What can we do to have a good relationship with our friends? We can avoid fighting; we can treat them with love, respect, help them, be kind, etc.

         Third: please ask the children to colour one of the following drawings created by Eduarda Johann Scholl, children who comes to the 3rd cycle classes at the Spiritist Group Seara do Mestre.

         Drawing 1.

         Drawing 2.

         Have fun: activity to be used with children.

         Closing Prayer

         Class suggested being suitable for: nursery and kindergarten (5 to 6 years old).

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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