Water II

Opening Prayer
First: talk to the children about The Water Park from the book The Astral City (By the spirit André Luiz through Francisco Cândido XAVIER).
Click here to see the full text.
Second: please talk to the children about the water from our planet (material dimension) and the spiritual world (spiritual dimension).
How is the water in Earth? How can we look after the water? We must preserve nature by not polluting it; no throwing garbage in the rivers and oceans. Please remember the importance of water that comes from the rain, since we pay for the water that we get in our tap.
Why is it important to look after the water? Water is important for drinking, cleaning, to make medicines and food. Our health depends on the consumption of water.
It is important for us to preserve nature for future generations – our sons, grandchildren, for instance. They also have the right to enjoy a world with water, birds, rivers, lakes, oceans, plants, fresh air and forests.
Most of us, if we deserve it, will reincarnate in Earth in the future. The world is becoming a World of regeneration; so we will inherit the world and the nature we save today.
Third: tell them tips to save water, in order to save it for future generations. These were taken from the site www.corsan.com.br:
Turn off tap while cleaning your teeth, shaving or washing your face. You can waste can up to 9 litres a minute by just letting the water pour down the sink
Take a short shower rather than a bath could save you up to 400 litres a week. If you do have baths, just half fill them.
Don't overfill the kettle when making a cup of tea; only fill and boil what you need.
Only use the washing machine and the dishwasher when you can put on a full load. It wastes both water and energy to run only a half full machine.
Check for home for leaks, hidden water leaks can be wasting water without you even being aware of it.
Keep cool water in the fridge so that you do not need to run water down the sink to have a cold drink.
Think before throwing used water down the drain, e.g. water in a pan after cooking, this could be reused for watering plants around the house when cooled down, or in the garden.
Fourth: Please remember the children the human body is about 70 percent water and cannot function properly without enough water every day. Water helps a human body by keeping us hydrated. It allows our organs to function as they should. It keeps our skin plump and healthy. It helps our digestive system working well and staying healthy. How can we do that? Please show the children a PowerPoint that explains the impact of our thoughts and feelings over water. Please show them images or print them out and give a copy to each child. If you want, please send us an e-mail. and we will send you the presentation we prepared. This presentation refers to a research that was conducted where water molecules were photographed under the influence of different types of thoughts and words
Fifth: How can we look after the water in our body and the water we come in contact with? We can do this through good thoughts, kind words and good attitudes. The water at home absorbs the vibrations sent by the people who leave there; hence, it is vital to watch our thoughts, words and actions.
Sixth - activity: please distribute to each child ½ Bristol-board or, if you think it will be more interesting, split them into small groups or pairs. Please ask them to imagine how the Water Park in the Astral City would be like. They should put their ideas and drawing into the paper. Please give colourful glues and glitter to decorate the drawings.
Closing Prayer
Class suggested being suitable for: 2nd (9 to 10 years old) and 3rd cycles (11 to 12 years old).
Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.