The Divine Creation

         Opening Prayer

         First: distribute the notepads to the children and ask them to write the date and name of the lesson: The Divine Creation.

         Second: tell them the story The persistent little seed. Show them the drawings as the story unfolds.

         Third: distribute the questionnaire below, ask them to answer it, correct it and then and them to past it onto their notepad.

         - What are the things that are part of Nature?

         - Who created it?

         - Is nature important? Why so?

         - What precautions should we have with nature?

         - Should we all be concerned about the nature or only scientists and politicians?

         - What are trees made for?

         - Have you ever planted a tree or a flower?

         - Have any of you followed the growth of a plant?

         - Could we survive without Nature?

         - Are we evolving spiritually by respecting nature?

         Fourth: invite the children to make a practical activity; plant flowers seeds, sunflower seeds or beans. Explain to them the stages of growth and care that plants need in order to grow.


         Obs.: bring soil, seedlings or seeds as well as plastic pots to this class.

         Fifth: ask them to take the seedlings or seeds home, after they plant them, and take care of their little plant for a few days. They will then have to bring it back to class, even if it hasn’t germinated, so to see what happened. If possible, take pictures of the plants once they bring it back to the class.

         Sixth: just as plants that were planted by each one in class today need our care to grow, so do the animals and human beings. They also deserve our respect, care and affection, because they were created by God, as well as us.

         Closing prayer (we suggest having a collective prayer, where each child and Spiritist teacher might say something concerning the topic of the lesson, praising, thanking or asking).

         Class suggested being suitable for: 1st cycle (7 to 8 years old) and 2nd cycle (9 to 10 years old).

         Spiritist Teachers: Camila, Emanuelle and Juliana – Spiritist Centre Caminho da Prece.

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.


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