* RESIGNATION: “There are misfortunes which come upon men independently of their own conduct, and that befall even the most upright. Is there no way of preserving one's self from them? Such misfortunes must be borne with resignation and without murmuring, if you would progress; but you may always derive consolation from the hope of a happier future, provided you do what is needed to obtain it." (Allan Kardec, in The Spirits' Book - question 924.)
* OBEDIENCE: “The doctrine of Jesus constantly teaches obedience and resignation, two virtues which are the companions of mildness and activity, although man wrongly confuses them with denial of sentiment and free-will. Obedience is the consent of reason; resignation is the consent of the heart”. (Allan Kardec, in The Gospel According to Spiritism, Chapter 9. Blessed are the Meek and Peacemakers. Obedience and resignation – Lazarus)
* PRUDENCE: “… The good person never tries to emphasize the importance of their own spirit or talents at the expense of others. But on the contrary, they take every opportunity to highlight in others whatever these people may have that is useful. They are not conceited about their riches, or of any personal advantage, knowing that everything that has been given to them may be taken away. They use, but do not abuse, the possessions which have been conceded to them because they are only a deposit, for which they will be required to give full account. They know that the most detrimental employment that these riches can be put to is the satisfaction of their own passions.” (Allan Kardec, in The Gospel According to Spiritism. Chapter 17. Be Perfect. The good person.)
* COMPASSION: “The most appropriate sentiment for making mankind progress, by dominating his selfishness and pride, which predisposes the soul towards humility, beneficence and the loving of one another, is compassion! This is the same compassion which moves deep inside when you lay eyes on the suffering of your fellow creatures, which imp ells you to extend a helping hand and which brings tears of sympathy to your eyes.”. (Allan Kardec, in The Gospel According to Spiritism. Chapter 13. Do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. Item 17. Compassion - Michel)
* GENEROSITY, BENEFICENCE: “The act of beneficence in this world, my friends, gives you happiness of the heart, being the purest and sweetest delight, which neither remorse nor indifference can perturb. Oh! If only you could understand something of the greatness and enjoyment which encompasses the generosity of beauteous souls! It is a sentiment which makes people look at each other as they would look at themselves and gladly disrobe in order to clothe a fellow creature in need!”. (Allan Kardec, in The Gospel According to Spiritism. Chapter 13. Do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. Item 11. Beneficence – Adolf, Bishop of Argel)
* AFABILITY, MILDNESS: “Benevolence towards one's fellow-creatures, which is the result of loving your neighbour, manifests itself in the form of affability and mildness. However, it is not always a good thing to trust in appearance. Education and worldliness can give Man a thin veneer of these qualities.” (Allan Kardec, in The Gospel According to Spiritism, Chapter 9. Blessed are the Meek and Peacemakers. Item 6. Affability and Mildness.)
* COMPREENSION, TOLERANCE: “The true character of charity is always modesty and humility, which consists in not seeing the superficial defects of others, but rather in striving to cause their goodness and virtues to predominate. Although the human heart is an abyss of corruption, there too is always the embryo of good sentiments, which are in fact the living sparks of the spiritual essence, hidden away in its innermost folds.” (Allan Kardec, in The Gospel According to Spiritism, Chapter 10. Blessed are the Merciful. Item 18. DUFÊTRE, Bishop of Nevers)
* ABNEGATION: “Compassion and pity, when deeply felt, are acts of loving; love is devotion; devotion is the forgetfulness of self and it is this, combined with abnegation in favour of those less fortunate than ourselves, which is the height of virtue. It was that virtue which the Divine Messiah practised throughout His entire life and which He taught in His saintly and sublime doctrine. When this doctrine is fully restored to its original pureness and when mankind submits to it, then the world will become a happy place wherein will rein harmony, peace and love.” (Allan Kardec, in The Gospel According to Spiritism. Chapter 13. Do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing. Item 17. Compassion - Michel)
* VIGILANCE: “Every bad thought can have two origins: our own spiritual imperfection or the action of a harmful influence. In the last case we have the indication of a weakness which exposes us to these influences, and it is for this reason that our soul is imperfect. So that the one who foils cannot offer as an excuse the influence of a strange Spirit, seeing that this Spirit would not hove led them to wrongdoing if they were inaccessible to seduction.” (Allan Kardec, in The Gospel According to Spiritism. Chapter 28. A Collection of Spiritist Prayers. To ask for strength to resist temptation, 20. Preface)
* PATIENCE, TAMENESS: “Be patient, because this is also a charity; everyone should practice the law of charity as taught by Christ, Who is God's Envoy. Charity given to the poor in the form of arms the easiest of all. However, there is another kind of charity which is much more laborious and so consequently offers higher merit. That is to forgive all those placed in your pathway by God to act as instruments for your suffering and to test your patience.” (Allan Kardec, in The Gospel According to Spiritism, Chapter 9. Blessed are the Meek and Peacemakers. Item 7. Patience)
* MERCY: “Mercy is a complement to mildness, because the person who is not merciful cannot be mild and pacific. Mercy consists of being able to forget and forgive all offence.” (Allan Kardec, in The Gospel According to Spiritism, Chapter 10. Blessed are the Merciful. Item 4)
* FORGIVENESS: “Spiritists, never forget that the pardoning of wrongdoing must not be an empty expression, be it either by word or by action. Since you call yourselves Spiritists, then be so with all fervour. Forget all evil that has been done to you and think of nothing save one thing: the good that you can do.” (Allan Kardec, in The Gospel According to Spiritism, Chapter 10. Blessed are the Merciful. Item 14. The Pardoning of Offences - Simeão)
* RENOUNCEMENT: “Attachment to earthly possessions constitutes one of the strongest obstacles to both moral and spiritual advancement. Through this attachment all faculties for loving are destroyed as these are only devoted to material things. Let us be sincere with each other: do riches bring unmixed happiness? When your safes are full of money, do you still feel emptiness in your hearts? At the bottom of this basket of flowers is there not a viper?” (Allan Kardec, in The Gospel According to Spiritism. Chapter 16. It is not possible to serve both God and Mammon. Item 14. Detachment from earthly possessions - Lacordaire)