Learning to pray

         Once upon a time, a man felt really ill. His daughter was really worried about his health and decided to ask one of her friends to talk to him.

         She knew her father needed lots of prayers. She never saw her dad praying, but decided to ask her friend to visit him and pray with him.

         When his friend came to see his ill friend, he saw the poor man laid in bed; his head being held by a pair of pillows.

         There was a chair placed next to the bed, which made the visitor think the ill man was waiting for his arrival.

         “Where you expecting me?” – His friend asked.

         “No, I wasn’t. Why do you ask?” – The ill man responded.

         “I am your daughter’s friend. She asked me to come over here and pray with you. When I came in and saw this empty chair next to your bed, I imagined you knew I was coming here to see you.”

         “Oh, right… the chair... Would you mind if you close the door?”

         The visitor got up and closed the door. As soon as the door was closed, the ill man confided to him:

         “I never told this to anyone, but I never learned how to pray in my life. When I visited churches and was told about prayer, how to pray and the benefits from praying, I would switch off. I didn’t want to get involved with praying.”

         I would ignore everything I heard about prayer. I thought it was all nonsense. That’s why I have no idea how to pray. I never ever prayed in my life.

         When my illness started to grow stronger a few years ago, I talked to a friend of mine about it who said:

         My friend, praying is simply a chat you have with Jesus. I suggest you start praying now. I will show a very simple way to pray.

         All you have to do is sit in a chair but place another empty one in front of you. You soon start imagining Jesus is sitting on this empty chair, right next to you. You have to believe it. Don’t think this is insane, as Jesus himself promised He would always be close to us.

         Hence, you should talk and hear him, just like you are talking to me just now.

         I thought that idea was very interesting. I decided to give it a go, but at the first time I tried it I felt so good I thought my soul was so peaceful.

         I have been talking to Jesus everyday since then. I have been careful enough not to pray in front of my daughter since I am afraid she will send me to a hospice if she finds out I talk to Jesus everyday the way I do.”

         The visitor felt really touched when he heard the ill man’s confession. This person used to find it difficult to pray, but was taught in a psychological way to overcome this challenge. They both decided to pray together before the visitor went home. Two days later, the daughter communicated that his father had disincarnated.

         She told her friend: “when I was getting ready to leave the house, my dad called me into his room. He said he loved me very much and gave me a kiss.”

         When I came back from the market one hour later, I found him dead. There was something strange with his disincarnation, though…. Apparently, before he died, he came closer to the chair that was located next to his bed and laid his head on it. This is the way I found him.”


         The feeling is what matters when you pray. The Divine Master is always present by the side of the pure in heart and the humble.

         Jesus taught us a formula which enables us to pray; he’s offered to be an intermediary between men and God.

         Hence, if your heart is hurt, if you feel lonely, start praying to Jesus today.

Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.