Please write yes for a useful occupation or no for any useless occupation. If you wrote no for some of the phrases, please rewrite them underneath, changing it to become a useful occupation.

         1 - Read a book with an educational message______________.

         2 - Help my younger brother/sister ______________.

         3 - Watch a horror movie ______________.

         4 - Water the plants ______________.

         5 - Gossip ______________.

         6 - Look after the animals ______________.

         7 - Talk about the future of the planet ______________.

         8 - Pay attention at school ______________.

         9 - Take part at spiritist education classes ______________.

         10 - Drink alcohol with my friends ______________.

         11 - Fight ______________.

         12 - Take part at the Gospel at Home ______________.

         13 - Smoke ______________.

         14 - Study ______________.

         15 - Visit a sick person ______________.

         16 - Work professionally ______________.

         17 - Do exercises ______________.

         18 - Throw rubbish in the streets ______________.

         19 - To collect the rubbish and put it into the bin______________.

         20 - Do volunteer work at the spiritist centre ______________.








