Mr. Smith was working on his orchard when he, out of a sudden, found a delicious orange hanging from the tree. It was quite hot day and he left thirsty. He then said:

         - Oh, how wonderful! I have a fruit to refresh myself!

         He was just about to open his fruit when he stopped to think for a second. He thought about his wife who was at home working in the kitchen, preparing a meal. He decided to take the orange over to her. He went home, greeted his wife and gave her the lovely gift. He felt really happy but remembered that her daughter was just about to come over from school. She decided to keep the gift for her. The girl felt really happy when she arrived and was given the precious gift. She thought about her brother, who would also be soon coming home and decided to keep it for him.

         The boy felt overjoyed with the fact his sister thought of him with so much care. He looked at the fruit and thought to himself.

         - My dad works all day to provide us with food and shelter. He’s the one who deserves to eat this fruit. I am going to give it to him.

         He decided to take it over to his dad, without a doubt. His dad felt really moved and full of joy when he realised what had just happened. They sat down for dinner that night and prayed for God and thanked Him for the joy that surrounded his home. He placed the fruit in a beautiful plate and sliced it, giving equal shared of the fruit to all members of the family.

         The volunteer can also use Jesus pictures in order to show how much we can learn from him and how close he is from us.