
         One night Esther was reading something really peaceful before going to bed. She prayed with utmost devotion before sleeping, since she knows she needed to get ready to be able to have a good night’s sleep.

         As it happens to most of us, Esther slept and the bonds which unite her to the physical body were relaxed during sleep. Her spirit remained awake and could travel through space, and entered into more direct relation with other spirits. The perispirit, which is the Spirit’s fluidic body, unites the body and the spirit. It is linked to the physical body by an energetic thread known as the silver cord.

         On that night, Esther slept and dreamed... She could remember on the following day a colourful and beautiful dream. This was not the first time dreamed with her uncle Ivan, who disincarnated one year ago. As soon as she woke up, she told her older sister:

         - Uncle Ivan told me to study, obey my parents, and keep going to the spiritist education classes and practice goodness.

         - Cool! – Madison said. Uncle Ivan loved giving advice, do you remember? This happened when we meet in spirit the people we love; disincarnate or incarnate. You know this, don’t you?

         - Yes, I do. I dream quite often – Esther answered. Last week I dream with a math’s exam I would have to do on the following day.

         - Oh, but that’s a different dream! When you dreamed with the exam, you brought your daily preoccupations to your dream. These are called psychological dreams. The dream you had with uncle Ivan was a spiritual dream, since you have the remembrance of what your spirit had seen. We can recall this type of dream or just keep a good or bad feeling from it, depending on what happened.

         - I once dreamed I had to go to the toiled and kept searching for one on my dream... – Esther said this to her sister and started to laugh.

         - I have already dreamed of this... Thank God I woke up right on time to go to the toilet... – both girls started to laugh. I have already dreamed I was in the North Pole and woke up feeling really cold. These dreams are called Psychological as they are a result of our thoughts, interests and worries.

         Esther felt really happy today. She found out when we sleep, depending on our merits and feelings, we can meet people, learn, work and practice goodness in the spiritual world.

         When this conversation was over, she was full of new ideas: she was planning to ask her protector spirit to learn whilst her physical body slept, if possible. She also wished to meet her cousin Anne, since she missed her so much.

         What about you? What are you intending to do tonight, whilst your physical body sleeps?

         *This story was created by the spiritist teachers from the 2nd Cycle – Spiritist Group Seara do Mestre (Santo Ângelo/RS). This was used to illustrate the lesson "Sleep and Dreams".

Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.