All About Me

         Make ‘All About Me’ charts that have boxes for name, age, birthday, favourite colour, food, family etc. . . and give a copy to each of your family members. Take it in turns to go around the group and fill in each of the squares. Once the charts are filled in, group members take it in turns to tell everybody else two things about another person in the group e.g. ‘X likes to play football but doesn’t like playing hockey’.          Go and play with your family!!




         Favourite colour:


         Favourite game:

         For parents: How do you do the practice?

         Your daily routine includes many opportunities for turn taking. In fact, almost anything you do with your toddler can be a chance to practice turn taking. Simply be sure to alternate which one of you is doing the activity. Keep talking about what you’re each doing during the activity.

         * Follow your child’s interest. Use whatever toy your toddler is interested in playing with to start a conversation. Start by commenting on what she is doing with the toy. When it’s your turn, you can ask her to talk about what you are doing. Or, you could choose to each talk during your turn.

         * Many toddlers will naturally hand you a favorite toy. You can encourage this handing you a toy by using words like my turn and your turn. Start out by keeping the turns short. Younger toddlers don’t have a long attention span yet. It also helps to maintain toddlers’ interest by imitating the way they are playing with toys.

         * Reading books is a great opportunity for turn taking. You can switch who turns the pages, who comments on the pictures, or who says the words. Favorite songs and nursery rhymes can also be used that way.