The boy and the rainbow

         Tony was a boy who had everything. There was nothing missing in his life. He had loving parents, a comfortable house, nice clothes and studied at a good school.

          But Tony was a boy who could only see the negative side of life. He was always looking for the downside in people and things. (Ask the children: do you think that’s a nice thing to do? Listen to their answers)

          If a friend came close to him after taking a shower with clean clothes, he would look at his feed to find something to criticize: - Your shoes are so ugly! (Ask the children: do you think that’s a nice thing to do? Listen to their answers)

          The food at his home was always made with love and care by his mother, who was anxious to please him. He would try and wrinkle his nose, saying: - This isn’t good! It’s too salty! (Ask the children: do you think that’s a nice thing to do? Listen to their answers)

          His mother felt sad, but there was nothing she could do. She tried to make him change his behaviour, teaching that everything has its good side and it’s necessary to see life through a different perspective.

          One day, however, he was playing in the garden. He run through under a tree and didn’t see a twig. He bumped into it. He immediately felt a terrible pain in his eyes. He couldn’t open his eyelids and had tears in his eyes too.

          His mother took him to the doctor. He looked at Tony, calmed his mother’s fears by saying:

          - Thank God it was nothing serious. His eyes were slightly scratched by the tree branch. However, he needs to rest and be blindfolded.

          The doctor put an ointment and a bandage on each eye. His vision was completely blocked. (The Spiritist teacher should now blindfold the teddy bear)

          The doctor then recommended: - Come back in two days.

          Tony left the doctor's office complaining.

          - Don’t complain, my son. Thank God, because you could have been blind – his mom said patiently.

          Those two days were a torment for the boy. He wept, complained, made a tantrum, but ended up accepting it. After all, the doctor said that he would heal by being blindfolded for this period of time.

          He then learned to walk around the house, but bumping into furniture. He was already able to tell if the sun was out or not by his body heat. He smelled the flowers (The Spiritist teacher should throw some perfume in the air at this stage), felt the wind (The Spiritist teacher should use a hand fan at this stage) and everything that he didn’t care much about before.

          He was more relaxed and pleased, at the end of those two days. He returned to the doctor at the right time.

          He felt quite emotional when leaving the office, after having removed the bandages. He was so happy to see the streets again, the people walking, cars in traffic, the sky, the trees...

          Tony even cried with happiness. Tony looked up, staring at the sky full of dark clouds and smiled:

          - Mom, look! See the beautiful rainbow that appeared among the clouds! I now understand that before I saw less than when I was blind, even if I had a perfect vision. I see now that everything is beautiful in nature.

          Her mother sighed and looked to the sky. She thanked Jesus intimately for the lesson her son received.