1 – Please define God with your own words. God is the Supreme Intelligence, first cause of all things. God is eternal, immutable, immaterial, unique, omnipotent, supremely just and good.

         2 – Who created the worlds and the Universe? God

         3 - Please define two of God’s attributes. God is eternal, immutable, immaterial, unique, omnipotent, supremely just and good.

         4 – How do we know God exists? How can we prove his existence? To assure ourselves of the existence of God we have only to look abroad on the works of creation. The universe exists, therefore It has a cause. To doubt the existence of God is to doubt that every effect has a cause, and to assume that something can have been made by nothing.

         5 – How can we demonstrate our love for God? By respecting God’s creation: the animals, the human beings and the nature.

         6 – What is a prayer? Prayer is an act of adoration. To pray to God is to think of Him, to draw nearer to Him, to put one's self in communication with Him. He who prays may propose to himself three things: to praise, to ask, and to thank.

         7 – What is an intercession prayer? This is a prayer that is done in favour of someone else.

         8 – Who taught us The Lord’s Prayer? Jesus.

         9 – Who was Allan Kardec? Allan Kardec's spiritual mission on earth was to lift the veil that separates the present and the future of humankind. Allan Kardec, with wisdom and compassion, turned the Spiritist Doctrine into a Christian lighthouse of hope and consolation.

         10 – What is mediumship? It allows the Spirits to communicate with Human Beings, is a faculty which many individuals bring with them at birth, independent of whatever religion or beliefs they may come to adopt.

         11 – What is a medium? Certain persons gifted with a special power or faculty - that is to say, go-betweens, or intermediaries between spirits and men.

         12 – What does it mean to reincarnate? To be born again in a new physical body.

         13 – Why do we reincarnate? The purpose of every living being is to evolve continuously and become better, learn the principles of love, compassion, kindness, justice, loyalty, etc. It is said that only one life is not enough for people to learn all those lessons, so many incarnations are necessary in order to accomplish this task.

         14 – What is free-will? The ability human beings have to make his/her own choice; to act according to his/her own wish. Every spirit has this capability; there are consequences to our choices.

         15 - Please tell us what spiritual evolution is. It is when people carry their inner reform and change it for better; they learn to love and respect one another.

         16 – What do you understand by “plurality of inhabited worlds”? There are beings that inhabit all globes but have different organizations.

         17 – Primitive world is one of the different types of inhabited worlds. Please tell us two other types. Worlds of tests and atonement, Regenerating worlds, Happier Worlds and Divine Worlds.

         18 - Please tell us three of Jesus’ teachings. Love, peace, kindness, patience, work, resignation, tolerance…

         19 – Why can we say that Jesus didn’t perform any miracles? People, in Jesus’ time, would name miracle/supernatural everything they could not explain. Miracles or supernatural things would go against the laws of God, according to the people at that time. Jesus did not perform miracles. He made all these happen by manipulating energy. He did that through his thoughts and will, since He is a Superior spirit and has much more knowledge than all of us.

         20 - Please tell us one of Jesus’ parables. The Mustard Seed, The Lost Sheep, The Unforgiving Servant, The Talents, The Good Samaritan…

         21 – What is the Consoler promised by Jesus? Spiritism

         22 – Why is it so important to get to know ourselves? As we reform ourselves, we reform society, and through our attitudes and example we influence our incarnate and disincarnate brothers and sisters. Jesus demonstrated this through his own behaviour. His Word raises the awareness of the incarnate and disincarnate and assists them on their path to spiritual evolution.

         23 – Why have we reincarnated in certain family? To strengthen the links of friendship amongst the family members or to readjust with ones we have some debts from the past.

         24 – What does it mean to “have freedom with responsibility”? We affirm the moral responsibility of individuals, and that we make our own happiness or unhappiness as we obey or disobey Nature’s physical and spiritual laws.

         25 – What is the objective of Spiritism? The main objective of Spiritism in Earth is the moral transformation of humanity and the domination and/or control of our imperfections. Spiritist is a highly educational doctrine.

         26 – What is the Spiritist Movement? It is the set of activities that promote the study, dissemination, and practice of the Spiritist Doctrine.

         27 - Please tell us the name of one spiritist personality you know. Divaldo Franco, Izaias Claro, Raul Teixeira, Chico Xavier, Sir William Crookes...

         28 - Please tell us three things you learned this year at spiritist education classes.

         29 – Please tell us two things you learned this year at spiritist education classes.

         30 – What are the general elements of the Universe? Spirit and matter; God above all.

         31 – What is the intelligent principle of the Universe? Spirit.

         32 – What were the table turnings? These were tables that would move with the objective to raise people’s awareness for the spiritist phenomena.

         33 – Why can’t we use drugs? Drugs cause harm to our physical body; plus, chemical dependency. Drugs leave marks in our perispirit.