1 – Please define God with your own words.

         2 – Who created the worlds and the Universe?

         3 - Please define two of God’s attributes.

         4 – How do we know God exists? How can we prove his existence?

         5 – How can we demonstrate our love for God?

         6 – What is a prayer?

         7 – What is an intercession prayer?

         8 – Who taught us The Lord’s Prayer?

         9 – Who was Allan Kardec?

         10 – What is mediumship?

         11 – What is a medium?

         12 – What does it mean to reincarnate?

         13 – Why do we reincarnate?

         14 – What is free-will?

         15 - Please tell us what spiritual evolution is.

         16 – What do you understand by “plurality of inhabited worlds”?

         17 – Primitive world is one of the different types of inhabited worlds. Please tell us two other types.

         18 - Please tell us three of Jesus’ teachings.

         19 – Why can we say that Jesus didn’t perform any miracles?

         20 - Please tell us one of Jesus’ parables.

         21 – What is the Consoler promised by Jesus?

         22 – Why is it so important to get to know ourselves?

         23 – Why have we reincarnated in certain family?

         24 – What does it mean to “have freedom with responsibility”?

         25 – What is the objective of Spiritism?

         26 – What is the Spiritist Movement?

         27 - Please tell us the name of one spiritist personality you know.

         28 - Please tell us three things you learned this year at spiritist education classes.

         29 – Please tell us two things you learned this year at spiritist education classes.

         30 – What are the general elements of the Universe?

         31 – What is the intelligent principle of the Universe?

         32 – What were the table turnings?

         33 – Why can’t we use drugs?