1) Complete the sentence: “ Who has Jesus in the heart ….”

         2) What are we made of?

         3) What was the gift that God has given us that was possible to reincarnate?

         4) Who is the creator of body and Spirit?

         5) Explain the sentence: “God is not seen, we just feel Him." . Give an example.

         6) Write evidence of God's creation and the creation of man.

         7) What is prayer?

         8) What is the home Gospel?

         9) Write about the sentence: “ We are all the same: Spirits in evolution”

         10) What is the Law of Cause and Effect?

         11) What do we reincarnate for?

         12) How many times is it necessary to reincarnate?

         13) Name one of the attributes of God.

         14) When we discarnate we bring with us our attitudes, the clothes, the TV, the memories. True or false.

         15) Is the prayer the bigger the better?

         16) Does God always answer our prayers?

         17) Who dies when we discarnate?

         18) When we discarnate our Spirit (we), where do we go?