If we do a poll to find the causes that motivate someone to seek a Spiritist Centre, we would be able to see that most people certainly seek Spiritism when in trouble, in the hope of solving their problems. These are doubts, anxieties and pains: illnesses from the body and the soul. Jaqueline Nascimento
In the Spiritist Centre we begin to understand ourselves, when attending or participating in talks and study groups. We begin to understand who we are (immortal spirits, created simple and in equal conditions to evolve); where we came from (we came from God, our Father); where we are going (to meet with God, through the many mansions of our Father's house); why we suffer (this is the law of action and reaction; our actions back for re-adjustment).
Through the Comforter promised by Jesus - Spiritism - we understand that God is a loving father and only wants our good. The best proof of this is reincarnation; when we have new opportunities to learn and repair the mistakes made in the past. And next to that is our Father of infinite love and mercy who makes the rain fall and the sun shine for everyone. We should seek His protection in every moment of our existence.
We should always turn to God for support and protection so that we can have the strength to face and overcome difficulties that arise from our problems: it could unemployment; a family relative or us falling ill, children involved with drugs, couple separation; disincarnation of a loved one…
Everything in our life has a reason. Perhaps our faith is being tested; or our patience, resignation, detachment from material goods and the authenticity of our love, perhaps.
We must remember that God is sovereignty just, good and generous. He always supports us through our spiritual guide who accompanies us constantly.
What happens sometimes is that we loose God’s direction; in this loss is the cause of all earthly problems. When we forget to seek refuge and protection in God, surely our problems will seem larger and our cross heavier.
And what is the way to find God?
Prayer is the best way. Pray glorifying our Father, thanking for all we have: family, health, home, clothes, food ... And ask for help, following the teaching: "If you help yourself then heaven will come to your aid." (The Gospel According to Spiritism, chap. 25, item2)
But pray with your heart, with feelings and not only with words uttered from the mouth. Spiritism helps us a lot in this way; it allows us to behold a rational faith. It gives us clarity and comfort. Spiritism guides us to do our part through prayer and inner reform, by changing vices by the moral virtues "... But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal..." (Mt 6, 19)
Do our part and leave the rest in God's hands, trusting that if things didn’t go as we would like is because it’s not the best for us. What we received is exactly what we deserve and need.
Text published in the journal ‘Seara Espírita’ - October/2003.
Informações: www.searadomestre.com.br