There was a time in a place far from here, in a country called India, a little princess who lived in her kingdom with her family. Sarah was her name. She dreamed of getting to know what lay beyond the walls of her kingdom.
Sarah waited until her 13th birthday to ask her father, the King, to let her know what is beyond the walls of the kingdom.
Her father loved her so much and fulfilled her wish. He then called the wise of the court and ordered him to go to his royal chambers and catch his most precious treasure: his flying carpet.
And so the wise man obeyed the King. When the sage came back with the magic carpet, the king ordered him to take the princess Sarah to a short trip, to let her know what lay beyond the walls of the kingdom. Sarah and the sage rose in carpet and went to the lands beyond the walls of the kingdom.
But Sarah wasn’t happy with what she saw because she had never seen such poverty. People who lived there were so poor; there was no joy anywhere. It seemed like a sad world that was located to close to hers.
Sarah returned to the castle and made another request to her father, the King. She asked him to open the gates of his kingdom for the people who lived beyond the walls so they could come and live with people of the kingdom. The King once again granted his daughter’s request and ordered all residents of the kingdom to teach their trade to those who came from outside.
Many schools were then formed in the kingdom. The people who were sad beyond the walls now became bakers, carpenters, shoemakers, seamstresses, cooks, etc. Even princess Sarah taught the girls the art of embroidery and music. Time passed, the kingdom grew and prospered. They say that when Princess Sarah was crowned Queen, she became known after many years as the Queen of hope by everybody, for everyone living in her kingdom and beyond the walls prospered and had a better life style.
Guacira Machado