We should all sit comfortably in our chairs in an upright position, but relaxed.

         Keep our head, neck and spine aligned, as if a large gas balloon was pulling your head up. Keeping your head upright helps the mind stay alert, which is essential in meditation. Close your eyes and keep them closed until the end of the meditation.

         Okay, let's get started ...

         Start paying attention to your breathing. Pay attention to the natural flow of air coming in and out of your nose. Pay attention to the fact your belly gets full of air when you inhale and the opposite happens when you exhale.

         To help your mind focus on the breath, silently repeat a word to each inhalation and each exhalation: when you inhale, say in your mind "inhale"; when you exhale say in your mind "exhale". Pay attention to what you feel when you breathe; don’t just merely repetition of words. Be aware of each inhalation and each exhalation... Keep focusing your attention...

         Now, take a moment... Observe your body... See how it feels... How you feel... When you are ready, I want you to open your eyes...

         Note: this breathing should be done with our diaphragm; not from our chest.

         Proposed Time: 10 minutes.

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.