I tried to relate the teachings to day-to-day facts in the first part of this lesson.

         Remember, our children need to make references to daily facts for a better understanding of the lesson. The following two figures could be used as a resource.


         I later helped each one individually to sit properly in their seats. We then made the first attempts to breathe through our diaphragms. Some of children presented some difficulties, but I didn’t give up. I found best to move on with the activity after a few tries, thinking that they would learn by observing the other children.

         I then gave the signal for everyone to close their eyes, including me. I sometimes opened my eyes to check how things were going, since everything was in perfect silence.

         I agreed with them before we closed our eyes that initially I would say "inhale" and "exhale" for us all to breathe in and out at the same time. Each one would say only in thought after some time.

         IT WAS A FANTASTIC EXPERIENCE! After I asked them all to open their eyes and questioned how they were feeling. Some yawned and said they felt sleepy. The class went very smoothly. Even the more anxious and agitated children were very quiet.

         Workbook: Healing Power of Breath.

         One suggestion would be to apply this technique at the beginning of every class, especially in classes with agitated and anxious children. The time used with the proposed technique can save the time that we use to calm these children down.

         In the third step of this lesson, I wanted to get everyone to pray, but as they were always copying what the others said, I thought it would be better to ask them to do the different types of prayer (Asking Prayer, Prayer of praise and Thanking prayer). Each child would then add more to what each other was saying.

         In the fifth step of this lesson, I started to blow the soap bubbles and then agreed with them that whoever answered the questions I did related to the class could blow soap bubbles to the other colleagues.

Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.