Love Bubbles

         My friend Justin lives next door to my house. He studies together with me. He is very nice person. He always lends his toys; he has never been rude to his parents or anyone else; he always helps his friends, he is obedient... I behave in the same way and I know you must also...

         Justin always thanks the Heavenly Father for all he has, for his family, his friends and his health. I also thank the Heavenly Father and I know you must also be thankful to Him...

         But Justin prayed in a different way. Every night before bedtime, Justin took a mug with water and soap, as well as a straw from under his bed... He would then go to his bedroom window and make lots of bubbles. After that, he would close the window, turned out the light and go to bed.

         I could see the bubbles going right up into the sky from my house... Once they reached the starts, they were blown out.

         One day we had a school camp tour. It was really cool! We played ball, swam, rode horses, ate a lot of good food... We only stopped playing when the teacher said it was late and told everyone to go to bed.

         I was lying in bed when Justin came desperate to wake me up. He wanted me to help him find a straw with soap and water. I decided to talk with Justin and find out more about this.

         - What do you want soap and water for, Justin?!

         - To pray, thanking for the wonderful day we had today. How can I talk to the Father in heaven if he's up there?! He won’t be able to listen to me, even if I shout with all my strength.

         So I ask, thank Him and talk to Him through bubbles. What I say is kept inside the bubbles... It will get near our Father in heaven and when the bubbles burst He can hear it!

         - But I have already prayed and didn’t need soap and water.

         - But how did you speak with the Father in heaven then?!

         - With my thoughts; with my heart.

         - And can the thoughts reach to the sky as the ball of soap?!

         - No! It goes much higher; it goes to wherever we want it to go. Our Father in heaven listens to our hearts, our thoughts, so when you pray just think with love, affection. Pray with your heart and God will listen to you from heaven. And will always help you.

         - Wow! I didn’t know that!

         - So come, let us pray together, thanking for the wonderful day we had. We prayed and we are that Father in heaven heard us and was very happy.

         And from that day forward soap bubbles were never to be seen coming out of Justin’s window in the evenings!

Author - Amelia Regina de Oliveira

Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.