Paula and Alice

         Paula was a little girl who lives very happy with her family. All the family get very well together, they listen to each other, they help each other to take care of the house, they don't shout, and they share everything together, food, toys, etc...

         Alice, on the other hand, was a very sad girl because her family didn't live in harmony. They shout to each other, they speak very loud, they fight for the toys and all the things at home, and they never want to clean and tide up the house.

         One day, Paula was passing in front of Alice's house and she heard Alice crying outside. Paula immediately asked Alice why she was sad and crying that much. Alice told her that she was very sad, because she couldn't live in peace at her home. Everybody shouts at each other...

         Paula decided to invite Alice to her house for dinner. Alice was really happy with the invitation and asked her mom if she could go. Her mom said yes and Alice went to Paula's house for dinner that night.

         When Alice arrived in Paula's home, she was very surprised with the harmony and peaceful place that Paula lived. All family members were friends and respectful to each other and they always listened to what someone was saying.

         After having a delicious dinner at the table, where everybody was very polite and showing very good manners to eat, Paula's mom invited Alice to join their weekly reunion to study the Jesus's gospel. Alice never heard of it before, but she was curious and accepted the invitation. They all read a part of the gospel and discussed what Jesus wanted to teach them with those words. Alice was very happy and she enjoyed a lot to learn Jesus' teaching. When Alice went back home, she told her family everything that about the good manners and good behaviours of Paula's family and also about the Jesus' gospel. Her family realised that they were not treating each other very well and that they could change their attitude to have good behaviours between one another. They were so touched by what Alice told them that they decided to study the gospel of Jesus as well at home.