The potato

         Once upon a time there was a girl named Augustine, who was really upset with her friend Livy. Livy lost Augustine’s DVD, but already apologised to her friend many times. Even though she already begged her pardon, Augustine didn’t want to play with her friend anymore. She even said she would not forgive Livy for that.

         Augustine’s mom is called Louise. She couldn’t understand why a beautiful friendship, like the one the girls have, could end so suddenly and for no reason. She then suggested to her daughter:

         - Right, Augustine. Today we are going to start something new: whilst you are feeling hurt with your friend, you should be carrying this potato with you everywhere you go. This will be your new friend.

         Augustine agreed with her mom’s idea. She thought she would keep feeling angry with Livy. The girl then started to carry the potato everywhere around the house. When she would go for a shower, the potato would be there with her. She even gave it a bath, put perfume on it and drew a little face on her new friend.

         Her mom asked her on the following day, before leaving for school:

         - Are you going to talk to Livy today?

         - No way! – Augustine said.

         - Right, so take your potato to school with you. – Her mother said, firmly.

         Augustine thought this was really strange, but decided to place it inside her backpack so no one would notice it. During her break, she remembered that Livy was actually a very good friend. She felt like taking to her, but since she was a very proud child she decided not to do it. Augustine felt her friend needed to suffer.

         On the following day her mother said it was a bad idea to nurture bad feelings. It hurts the person who keeps these types of feeling inside, but nothing would make Augustine change her mind. She was still carrying the potato everywhere, as she agreed with her mother.

         - I am ok with this – The girl would say.

         On the third day, the little potato started to smell. Everyone at school would ask her what was actually inside her backpack but Augustine would not say.

         - I can’t carry this anymore! This potato smells terribly! – Augustine said to her mother as soon as she arrived back home.

         - But you were the one who decided to carry these feelings of being hurt and grief – Louise said.

         - What has that to do with the potato? – She soon wanted to know.

         Her mom then calmly explained the little potato represented the feeling of being hurt by her friend. Bad feelings would not harm Livy, but herself. Augustine was actually emitting negative energy, just like the little potato that now smelt at her backpack.

         - If we simply say we forgave someone, but don’t actually mean it, it could be compared to keeping this potato with you at all times... We then keep something inside that will harm us. What would happen after a month, Augustine?

         - I can’t even imagine, mom.

         Augustine at last understood that feelings of hate and grief case more harm to the person who feels them. After having this conversation with her mother, Augustine forgave Livie completely. Whenever she thinks she should not forgive someone or keep feelings of being hurt, Augustine remembers the rotten potato straight away.

Tale based on a message received via Internet; unknown authorship
Claudia Schmidt