Greetings and Opening Prayer
Invite the young group to play conflict situations from our day to day, through short scenarios. Divide them into four groups and distribute the following topics to be staged:
Conflicts at school with teachers;
Conflicts at school with friends;
Conflicts at home with parents;
Conflicts with siblings at home.
: the groups will have ten minutes to prepare for staging the situations.
Get the groups to stage the situations, analyzing each one: What are the attitudes we can observe? What led the characters to act in such a way? Were both sides wrong? What is the correct attitude? What would we do if we were the character?
Each adolescent is to set up four goals for themselves to be achieved during their daily lives in order to promote peace in their lives.
Closing Prayer
Suggested reading material:
The Spirits’ Book by Allan Kardec, questions 742 and 743.
War – taken from The Spirits’ Book by Allan Kardec:
742. What is the cause that impels man to war?
"The predominance of the animal nature over the spiritual nature, and the desire of satisfying his passions. In the barbaric state, the various peoples know no other right than that of tile strongest; and their normal condition is, therefore, that of war. As men progress, war becomes less frequent, through their avoidance of the causes which lead to it; and when it becomes inevitable) they wage it more humanely."
743. Will wars ever cease on the earth?
"Yes; when men comprehend justice, and practise the law of God; all men will then be brothers."
Spiritist Teachers: Letícia, Ricardo and Débora
Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.
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