"The Master was teaching some companions a new lesson which referred to the natural impulse of the prayer. A few days later, Simon Peter said to Him:

         - Lord, I have been trying as much as possible maintain a constant Communion with God. Therefore, I haven’t been able to reach the objective of my prayers.

         - What have been asking God? – The Master asked him, peacefully.

         - I have been begging his kindness to lessen my ways, with the solution to some material problems.

         Jesus contemplated his disciple for a long while. It was as if he was examining the fragility range of men available to Him which would need to accomplish the evangelical work which was ahead of them. Therefore, He once more showed his deep love and good-will by explaining with conviction and tenderness:

         - Peter it is possible that you feel agitated and discourage when you pray to the Father only to satisfy your wishes and caprices. Therefore, if you ask for God’s blessings to enable you to understand his wise and just laws, you will receive console and peace from the Divine through the prayer.

         The apostle remained silent; he finally understood the meaning of a prayer. One of Alpheus’ sons came closer to Jesus to ask him; he understood this topic was of the interest of the whole community:

         - Lord, teach us to pray!

         They then sat down in a circle. The Messiah then pronounces, for the first time, the prayer He would leave to the Humanity."

Text extracted from: Boa Nova from Chico Xavier (translation: Good News) Dictated by Spirit Humberto de Campos; CHAPTER XVIII, Edited by The Brazilian Spiritist Federation

Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.