Jesus elevated his magnanimous spirit to Our Celestial Father. He placed his love above everything; then He suddenly said:

         - "Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name!"
         Then he pondered on the intelligence and reason which was given to Man. He reflected on the necessary enlightenment needed in Man which will conduct him along the pathway of truth. He also thought every human being will one day recognize in Him the Supreme Lord of all things and the reign of God’s laws will herald His Reign here on Earth. He then continued with the prayer:

         - " May Your kingdom come!"
         God’s laws are just and good. Jesus wanted to make us aware submission is the duty of a son towards his father, of the inferior towards his superior, how much greater is that of a being towards his Creator! He then added:

         - " May Your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven!"
         Jesus wanted to clarify that every opportunity Man have of obtaining health, work and experience in Earth come from the Divide. He then proceeded:

         - " Give us this day our daily bread."
         - " Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us."
         He knew very well the human fragilities. He also knew many succumbed through their own fault, through negligence, through being improvident, through ambition, or through not being content with what You had given them. He then finished this prayer by saying:

         - " Forgive our offences, as we forgive those who offend us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from all evil. So be it!"
         Matthew, who was also known as Levi, was the most intellectual of all apostles. He was the one who took notes of these sacred words so this prayer could be kept for future reference. Jesus’ prayer has spread worldwide, since that day.

         Prayer is the opening of one's heart and soul in a conversation with God, and thus is an expression of faith in a relationship with God. Jesus presents himself as our model, and invites us to become his disciples and follow him; in humbling himself, he has given us an example to follow. God is here presented to us as loving and kind; a true friend.