The Power of the Prayer

         There are many interesting and good stories written at the magazine Selections, one of which caught our attention for the meanings of its teachings.

         The author of this text is now a grown up man, but reflecting on the power of the prayer; he then recalls facts from when he was a little boy.

         He tells us that it was spring time. One morning his mother dresses him up with his Sunday clothes. She recommends him not to leave the front steps of his house entrance, since he would be leaving in a few moments to visit his aunty with her.

         The boy patiently waited until the son of his neighbour came closer and insulted him. He then jumped the steps and started to fight with the other boy. They both fell at a puddle of mud.

         His white shirt was now brown. His socks now had a hole at his knees’ level. He then recalled his mom’s warning and started to scream desperately.

         His pain was forgotten, however, as soon as he heard the ice-cream vendor announcing his product. He completely forgot about how he disobeyed his mother. He ran towards her and asked for money to buy an ice cream.

         He said he would never forget his mother’s response:

         - Look at yourself in the mirror! You are not entitled to ask for anything under this condition.

         The author of this text, who was involved on these memories, makes a parallel between his experiences with us towards God; when we pray asking for something.

         Before we ask for God’s help, we need to look at ourselves and see if we in good conditions to ask for something.

         We need to do our part in the task, as the Gospel tells us to get His help: "Help yourself and Heaven will help you".

         The problem with the majority of the people, who ask for blessings, is that they are not honest with God.

         It is quite common for us to request God’s blessings when we are no longer connected with our family, friends, relatives, neighbours...

         We need to prepare our hearts in order to search for Divine help. It is useless to ask for help with we are full of hate, selfishness, jealousy, badness, etc. If we really want to ask for something, let’s ask for strength to overcome our vices, our imperfections.

         There are lots of occasions where we pray to God asking for health, but destroy it due to their vices with cigarettes, good, alcohol, drugs, etc.

         It’s important for us to meditate for a little longer about the real reasons for us to receive Divine help, since God knows our real secret intentions.

         Think about it!

         Before you search for help through prayers, please look at yourself and see if you are in conditions to ask for anything. Please check if you are doing your part to fulfill the task.

         Check if the temple of your heart is clean enough to receive the blessings from the Creator.

         Please remember Jesus’ recommendation: "Help yourself and Heaven will help you".

         We need to help ourselves first, in order to deserve help from the Higher Spheres. It is important for us to understand the mechanisms of prayer: to ask, to learn how to ask and, above all, we need to deserve what we asked, for it to happen.

(Story from the magazine Selections; Reader’s Digest, April 1951)
Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, Sir William Crookes Spiritist Society linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.