The dog boy

         Harry is a ten-year-old boy who won for his last birthday a little dog called Boris. .

         One day, something different happened: Harry woke up in the Boris’s little house, but he didn’t remember how he got there. He realized at the same time the little house needed to be cleaned, but Boris didn’t know how to clean its house. The dog was not there and there was not even clean water to Boris drink..

         When the boy tried to get out of the house, he realized that he, Harry, was Boris. He got scared and tried to ask his mom for help. Eunice, as soon as she saw the dog trying to get her attention, sent it out to the garden..

         The dog/boy was feeling quite confused. He decided to lie in the shade. He realized he thought as a boy, but the other people thought he was Boris, his dog. He realizes his body was a little different, needed a shower, and also there were some weird signs in it, like scars. What would be them? Harry remembered one time when he was playing with Boris and his dad stopped him because he was hurting the dog. It must have hurt a lot. How could he be so bad with his friend? He needs to be more careful next time. Would be there another chance? .

         Suddenly, Harry felt a strong itch. Fleas! He was full of fleas! He now remembers he hasn’t taken Boris to the vet for a long time. The boy was quite busy lately and forgot to look after his pet. He wasn’t giving him fresh water, showering him, care or even attention..

         The boy felt so sad and worried… Suddenly, he heard his mom scream:.

         - Harry! .

         The dog/boy ran, stumbled on a rock and… woke up on his bed… He then saw Boris licking his legs. He was back being his old self; the same boy as before!.

         Harry’s spirit-protector was there; by his side. He was feeling quite happy with the lesson the little boy learned on that evening.

Claudia Schmidt

Seara Espírita June/2005.

Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.