The Three Aspects of Spiritism

          • Religion: talks about the moral consequences arising from such lessons, aimed at our "reconnection" with God. It sets "Without Charity there is no salvation"; as the main religion principle.

          • Philosophy: teaches deeper notions about God, the Universe, men, the Spirits and the Laws which govern life. It also teaches also what we are, where we came from, where we are going, what the purpose of our existence is and why there’s pain and suffering. It summarizes all these points in the phrase: "To be born, to die, to be reborn yet again, and constantly progress, that is the Law." (This phrase is attributed to Allan Kardec).

          • Science: studies the mediumship phenomena and the relationship that can be established with the Spirits. It teaches that "unshakable faith is that which can stand face to face with reason in all epochs of humanity."