Once upon a time there was one little girl who loved to be next to the animals. Her name was Lara and she had one little cat called Margi.

         Lara used to spend many and many hours with Margi playing, singing, reading, etc. However, when Lara was with Margi she listened to no one.

         Sometimes Lara could hear her mother calling her, but she didn’t pay any attention. Lara might yell or have a tantrum in order not to do what her mom wanted.

         One day she heard about one man who was kind, nice and always listened and obeyed his mum and dad. When he became an adult he was so good with everyone that he helped and blessed many people.

         He used to tell beautiful stories teaching how to love one another. Lara was so interested about him that she decided to know more. She knew his name; people call him Jesus. But unfortunately he doesn’t live on Earth.

         How does Lara know and learn more about him then? One day one of her friends said she goes every week to the “Scholl of Jesus”, where she can learn and listen more about him.

         So, Lara asked her mum to take her there as well. She loved the school of Jesus, it was so good! She could learn many things such as to listen to mum and dad; and also to obey to them as Jesus did. She also learned to be kind to her parents, help when they need us and so on.

         From now on Lara was a very good girl because she listens and obeys the lessons from Jesus to respect and listen to mum and dad.

         The volunteer should interact with the children during the story asking who goes to the school of Jesus to learn how to be good.

         Who listens to mum and dad?

         Who helps them?