Dear Parents and Guardians

         The children have studied today about the Spiritist Movement. We closed our class by explaining to them Spiritism aims to help the individual improve themselves; that means to progress spiritually, morally and intellectually. We have also learned we can’t compare ourselves to anyone, but only to how we were a few years earlier.
         We have given a test to the children that enable them to get to know themselves better, think about their positive aspects and what they could improve on. This test was not collected from the children. We suggested that if one child doesn’t want to answer it, it was ok just to read the test. The questions were similar to the ones we are sending you. We also invite you to reflect upon them: this is a chance your family has to get to know yourselves better, think about your positive aspects and what you could improve on. Please note the teacher won’t ask about this test on the following week, or ask for it to be handed over.
         With our best regards,

“Self-knowledge is, therefore, the key to individual improvement.” Allan Kardec