1. Love God above all things and your neighbor as yourself.
          There is only one God, who a loving Father. He is just and loves us all equally. Our biggest commitment is to Him. We must adore him in Spirit (through our thoughts and feelings, with our heart) and Truth (meaning the commitment to unify the knowledge and the reality, since it’s necessary to know the Laws of God to adore him: his laws of love, forgiveness and charity). God created the entire universe and every being; He watches over us. He gave us the nature from where we take our food, water and air; without which we would not be able to exist. He also created the sun that gives us light and warms us, the animals, the plants, the planets; ultimately, everything that exists in the universe. We should love and respect our fellow creature. Let’s do to others what we would like them to do to us. Who is our fellow creature? The person who is closer to us – in the streets, at home, at school…

          2. You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God.
          Let’s not use the name of God in a disrespectful manner or lie with the objective of getting something using the name of God.

          3. You shall remember and keep the Sabbath day holy.
          We must have moments for praying, to place ourselves in tune with God. The Sabbath day is a symbology; which means we should have moments of prayer. Let’s remember it’s not necessary to have a certain place, time or special position to pray; what really matters is our feelings at the time of the prayer.

          4. Respect your father and mother.
          The people who care for us, our parents or guardians, deserve our respect. We have a family that is necessary and ideal for our evolution.

          5. You must not kill.
          God gave us life; He also created the animals and the plants. Everything in nature has a value. We should not kill or mistreat birds or other small animals for fun or as a joke. Killing could be done only with the objective of nourishment; not for cruelty. Please preserve the plants, rivers and help to care and encourage others to do the same.
          We are all brothers, created by God, who loves us equally. We should not hurt anyone with words or attitudes; or take their life from them. Say no to abortion or suicide. We should collaborate with God by not destroying his creation.

          6. You must not commit adultery.
          To commit adultery is to fake. Do not cheat at exams, lie or betray the trust of a friend/boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife. Do not tell a secret or sell good stating it has got certain qualities it doesn’t have in fact.

          7. You must not steal.
          Since we don’t like other people to take something that belong to us without our permission, we must not take things that belong to others: a candy from the market, a pencil that belongs to my colleague, a fruit from the neighbor’s tree.

          8. You must not give false evidence against your neighbor.
          Do not lie; do not make up stories or gossip about other people. We are responsible for our attitudes and will respond for them. Do not take advantage of a lie that was made up by someone, against someone else.

          9. You shall not be envious of his house nor his wife.
          Do not feel envious or want someone’s boy/girlfriend or wife/husband. Do not do to others what we don’t want to be done to us.

          10. You must not be envious of your neighbor’s goods.
          Do not wish to have someone else’s house; or things they have (clothes, shoes, toys); or the life they live. Each one of us has what needs according to his evolution needs. We are reaping today what we sowed in other existences or even in this one; at the same time we are reaping for the future.