Mediumship – a commitment with goodness

         Matthew loved his older cousin, Antony. But sometimes he felt his cousin was a little bit weird. He observed that Antony was now talking to himself.

         Matthew couldn’t hold on and decided to ask him a question:

         – Are you talking to yourself, man?

         - No – his cousin replied, quietly – I was talking with a friend, Clara.

         Matthew didn’t look like he believed his cousin, because he couldn’t see anyone. Antony saw disbelief in his face and said:

         - She already has passed away. Her physical body is dead, but her spirit is still alive.

         - And why do you see her and not me? - Matthew still had doubts about it.

         – That’s because I'm a seeing medium. Medium is someone who can communicate with disincarnate spirits, that is, people who have already died.

         Antony could see Matthew’s interest on that subject and continued explaining:

         – A Seeing Medium is someone who sees the spirits, but there are other types of mediumship. There are mediums who do healing, who can hear the voice of the Spirits but not see them, and also those who receive messages through psychography. These messages are dictated by the Spirits. Have you ever heard of Chico Xavier?

         – Yes. I once saw an article about him on TV.

         - Chico Xavier was a great medium, besides being a person who practiced goodness throughout his life. He psychographed more than 400 books and hundreds of messages.

         – Messages? Messages from whom? Matthew was really interested on the subject.

         - Messages from the Spirits, like Clara, who already disincarnated. Many of them send news to their relatives and friends, proving that life continues after the death of the physical body.

         - It's like when we do “Spirit Games", and talk with spirits, isn’t it?

         - This is not a joke, it's very dangerous. Did you know that the spirits who are called through these games are silly and ignorant? They can connect to the participants of this "joke" to influence them to the path of evil, laziness, fights, drugs... No one should play these types of games.

         Matthew was now paying close attention:

         - Got it – Matthew said. Being a medium is to be someone special, chosen by God.

         Anthony smiled and said that since he was very little he could see spirits. He was afraid at first, but then began to understand what was happening. He also said that a medium is not someone special, but a person who committed to using mediumship to help others before birth.

         Matthew felt it was good to have a cousin who was a medium, but what about him? Was he supposed to be a medium too?

         - Not everyone can see, speak or hear the spirits, because not everyone has that commitment. But we can say that all people are mediums, because everyone has the opportunity to perceive the intuitions we receive from our guardian angel, our spirit protector. Prayer prepares us to perceive such good advices that are important in our lives.

         Thus, in this talk Matthew learned a lot about mediumship. Antony promised to lend him a book that tells the life of Chico Xavier for him to understand that communicating with spirits is something serious that requires responsibility, but also a manifestation of God's goodness, because it allows us to know more about the disincarnate spirits and the Spirit World.

Claudia Schmidt

Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies