The Purse

         A guest of mine said recently, once leaving our house:

         - I like coming here to your house. It is a place where I can say whatever I want, knowing it will not be shared with anyone else outside this place!

         This praise, indeed, was for my mother rather than me.

         One day - I was about eight years then – I was playing beside an open window, while Mrs. Smith confided to my mother something serious about her son.

         When the visitor left, my mom realized that I had heard everything. She called me and said:

         - If Mrs. Smith had left her bag here today, would we give it to someone else?

         - Of course not! I answered promptly.

         My mother then continued:

         - Mrs. Smith left something even more precious here today, since she told us a story whose disclosure could harm many people. This story is not ours, so we can not forward it to anyone. It remains hers, even though she is no longer here present. That’s why we should not pass it on to anyone. Do you understand?

         I understood very well. I have understood since then that a secret or even a gossip that a friend leaves at my house once in a while belongs to him. It’s not mine for me to tell anyone else.

         When, for whatever reason, I realize that I am not behaving accordingly, immediately comes to my mind Mrs. Smith’s purse. I then manage to shut up on time.

From the Book "And for the rest of my life ..." from Wallace Leal V. Wallace Leal V. Rodrigues, edited by O Clarim.

Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.