Mrs Spider and the little rose flower

         The little rose flower is so beautiful! She smells so good that Mrs Spider asked if she could put her web next to her. But the little rose flower answered in a very rude tone:

         - Never! You are too weird and I don't like to have weird animals close to me!

         Oh, how the little rose is so selfish! Mrs Spider though

         The little rose’s parents usually took her to hear about goodness and Jesus’s stories, but the little rose never wanted to pay too much attention on it. She would prefer to treat the others animals and plants in a very rude way.

         So, Mrs Spider had to leave then. But she was so sad because it would be a perfect place for the little spiders!

         However, she was learning how to forgive with Jesus and she tried it so hard.

         So, she decided to start looking for a good place to do her web and build a comfortable home for her little spiders.

         Mrs Spiders was always very worried with the little ones. They were very beautiful and adorable! But they always had cold because of the place they were. The younger one sneezed and coughed a lot! It was just a matter of the weather getting a little bit colder, or the wind blow a little stronger that the little one started to sneeze:

         -Atchim! Atchim!

         And it was not just the younger one! All the other brothers started to sneeze as well! Poor little spiders! They all got a terrible cold! And this is because the place they live had lots of wet leaves which didn't let the sun get through and warm them up.

         Doctor grasshopper was called by Mrs Spider to help her kids with the cold.

         The doctor said:

         - Your kids need the Sun, this is the best remedy!

         The younger spider was always asking his mum to move to a better place so they could have the Sun.

         So Mrs Spider decided to look for a better place for them to live, but she was also looking for a place that was safe for the entire family.

         During those days, the whole family was praying together in order to find a better place to live.

         The days passed by, when in a beautiful day, the little rose flower was talking to the butterflies when one of them told her something very worrying:

         - You know... there are a lot of big ants walking around our homes...

         - But why are you worried? - asked the little rose flower.

         - These ants are very dangerous! Yesterday they cut all the flowers from the garden! The garden got very ugly and destroyed! If I were you I would be very careful with those ants...

         The little rose flower got really scared and started to cry.

         But the butterflies told him not to worry, because they were going to talk to Mrs Spider and ask for her help.

         - If she stays close to us and build her home here, the big ants will get scared and will go away - said the butterflies.

         So, they all go after Mrs Spider to ask for her help. She said yes immediately, because she wanted to help the little rose flower and live next to her. She also knew Jesus would help her!

         She started to build her web and suddenly her home was ready and very comfortable for her children.

         So the little rose flower started to appreciate the help from Mrs Spider and she didn't think that Mrs Spider was weird anymore. She was feeling happy and safe from the big ants.

         Mrs Spider now was telling Jesus’ stories to the little spider and for the little rose too. They were now praying together to Jesus in order to ask to help all the others animals in the forest. Because they had learnt we are happier when we help each other.

         And Mrs Spider was also very happy, because the place they were living now was full of sun and her children didn't get cold anymore! They are all very healthy and happy.

Story adapted from the book Conte Mais