Freedom and limits II
Greetings and Opening prayer
- technique: get all the adolescents to sit in a big circle. The spiritist teacher should then draw a circle around the chair of each one of them. Each circle should intersect with the circle of the colleague who was sitting beside each of them. Thus:

The circle around the chair represents individuality. The way we influence the lives of others are represented here by these intersections. We had a discussion about our responsibility in our social group. We often behave believing that our actions will only affect ourselves, but even our thoughts affect others in some way.
We distributed to each youth a piece of paper where each wrote what they don’t like on others. These could be events of their day-to-day, actions done by their friends, acquaintances or relatives; things they would change in others, etc. Each one took his piece of paper and handed it over to a colleague of their choice. They then made a mark on the floor with chalk, connecting his/her circle with the one of his/her fellow colleague.
We analyzed the similarities between things that each one wrote after everyone exchanged papers. We realized there were many similarities amongst the group. We concluded that we often want to change in others things we have to change in ourselves; and that others would want us to change.
each one writes down a few things that they would advice to overcome the difficulties written, in the paper they received from their colleague.
Each one should stand up, leave the paper they received in his/her chair and try to erase the chalk mark made on the floor with a wet cloth. They should do it without removing the cloth from the floor and without erasing the others’ marks. Once this is done, each adolescent will go to the colleague to whom he gave his paper and sit in his chair. Each one will receive once again the paper he'd written, but now with some advice written on it.
We reflected on our actions; that have reactions we often don’t realize. In addition, it’s pointless to try to change others; we should try to change ourselves. We talked about our actions that will always have influence in the lives of others by discussing how difficult it was to erase the chalk mark, without going over the other's mark.
Closing Prayer
Suggested Class suitable for: Youth II (15 to 16 years old).
Spiritist Teachers: Carina Streda and Roberson Assis.
Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.
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