Freedom and Limits

         Greetings and Opening prayer

         Lesson Objective: To demonstrate to the adolescents that their freedom is directly linked to responsibility and to the need for limits.

         Suggested activity to be performed: Divide the class into groups of four, at least. Divide the chalkboard in accordance with the number of groups. Leave a dictionary for each group on the table. In the beginning of this activity, the young people should be located next to the wall opposite the table. They should be there in their groups. Trace a starting line for everyone to have a reference point. Each group should choose a representative who will stand at the starting line. When the spiritist teacher signals "Go", they’ll have to run to the table, pick up the dictionary and bring it back to their groups. They will need to carry it on their head, without any help from their hands.

         Once there, the group will collectively search for the definitions of the words freedom and limits in the dictionary. They’ll need to choose two (02) representatives to go to the chalkboard and write the meaning of these definitions there. One representative will go at a time to the chalkboard. However, the adolescents will need to carry a broom handle on the palm of one of their hands once they head to the chalkboard. Once they return, they will need to hand it over to the other adolescent who will write the 2nd definition on the chalkboard.

         Each group will then have to come up with adjectives for the definitions of the words freedom and limits. They should then send their team representatives to the board (one a time) so that everyone has the opportunity to write down adjectives for these definitions.

         Once the time is up (according to the number of adolescents) the group that wrote on the board the highest number of coherent adjectives will win the game. Get all adolescents to discuss the words written by young people on the board in the light of Spiritism.

         Conclusion: balance is one of the key factors for freedom, and boundaries are the tools for equilibrium.

         Closing Prayer

         Spiritist Teachers: Ricardo and Maria Cláudia.

         Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.

         FERGS Handout, 2000;
         The Gospel According to Spiritism by Allan Kardec;
         ‘Evolução para o 3º Milênio’, edited by Edicel;
         Adolescence and Life, chapter VI, edited by Leal.


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