What random acts of kindness can you do?

         1. Leave messages for your friends.
         2. Compliment your family members.
         3. Say thank you to all who serve you.
         4. Read a book to someone younger than you.
         5. Offer someone a hug.
         6. Smile!
         7. Let another one go first, before you.
         8. Try and be kind in every way.
         9. Offer someone a gift.
         10. Offer someone a flower.
         11. Listen!
         12. Say please and thank you.
         13. Spread kindness!
         14. Hold a door open for someone.
         15. Help someone with their groceries or bags.
         16. Send thank you cards to others, for no particular reason.
         17. Offer to help an elderly neighbour with their household chores.

         So, tell us: what’s your random chosen act of kindness? We look forward to hearing from you! Please write it down!