Jesus and Easter
Greetings and Opening Prayer
First: talk about Easter.
How is Easter celebrated at your home, in your family?
What does Easter represent to you; why is it important?
What do you think about the custom of giving chocolate eggs and gifts at Easter? (Consumerism).
Can we eat meat on the Friday that precedes Easter? Why?
Second: talk about the relationship between Easter and Jesus.
Who is Jesus?
Where did Jesus come from?
Why did Jesus come to Earth?
What is the meaning of Jesus in contemporary life?
Remember that Jesus is the guide and model for all humanity. The teachings He taught and exemplified are the purest expression of God's Law. The moral maxims of Christ, contained in the Gospels, are the guidance for the progress of mankind.
Third: perform the following technique.
a - Split the adolescents into four groups and ask them to stay far from each other, like in the frame below:
Group 1 |
Group 4 |
Group 2 |
Group 3 |
b – Place a box in the middle of the room with the following questions and affirmations:
1 – Jesus and God are the same.
2 – Jesus came to destroy the Mosaic law.
3 – The departure of the Hebrews from Egypt was celebrated at Easter, before Christ.
4 – We celebrate the Resurrection of Christ at Easter.
5 – Jesus was created simple and ignorant.
6 – Jesus is our brother, because he was created by God, like us.
7 – Why is Jesus remembered up to these days?
8 – Will we be one day like Jesus? Why?
9 – Jesus reincarnated on Earth.
10 – What did Jesus came to Earth to do?
11 – The message of Christ doesn’t apply to the present days.
12 – What was the greatest teaching left by Jesus?
13 – Why was Jesus condemned and crucified, if he was a good person?
14 – What is the relationship between Spiritism and Jesus?
c – Distribute a drawing board to each group. The first group will get a question/affirmation from the box and read it out loud. The group that’s place right in front of them will need to answer the question/affirmation. If it’s an affirmation, both groups will need to write down TRUE or FALSE in their drawing boards. If it’s a question, both groups will need to answer it with short sentences.
Each correct answer is worth 15 points. If both groups give right answers, each will earn 10 points. If both groups give wrong answers, the competing groups will earn 5 points each.
The group that has more points in the end of the game will win the challenge.
Note: It’s important to discuss each question/statement, bringing new ideas and questioning to the youth group.
Some points that can be clarified with the techniquea:
God is our Father; Jesus was created by God and is our brother.
Jesus came to reaffirm and explain the Ten Commandments received by Moses.
Jesus did not resurrect (the body that is once dead can’t return to life). Jesus reappeared in spirit after the death of his physical body to his disciples and friends.
Jesus was created simple and ignorant by God and evolved (in other worlds; not planet Earth) until he became a pure Spirit.
Each Spirit evolves until it becomes a pure Spirit, as Jesus has become.
Jesus INCARNATED on planet Earth because he was here only once to illustrate his teachings.
Many people didn’t understand Jesus’ mission. They thought he wanted to be powerful and was a threat to the rulers of that time. He was persecuted, arrested and crucified. The crucifixion was the way the political criminals were killed at that time.
Spiritim is the Comforter promised by Jesus that came to remember and explain the message of love from our Master.
Closing Prayer
Spiritist Teachers: Carina and Roberson.
Translation: Carolina von Scharten, London, linked to BUSS - The British Union of Spiritist Societies.
[Young] |